“Shifter” is a story of transformations that reach beyond those which change the physical form and into the soul.
Rowena Portch unravels a tale that starts with the casting out and shaming of Zebastian by his father who accuses him of being a monster and for killing his brother. Though dejected and wanting to be left alone, his faithful friend Teak will not let him despair, believing him in spite of what everyone else believes. Another Spirian, Kaili, also believes in him and is somehow able to communicate with him and is bound to him. Remembering that the voice of an angel had been able to halt his rage, Zebastian falls hard for Kaili, the ice queen, who is struggling with allowing any man into her heart or her bed. Amidst the struggle of emotions between them is a plot by a powerful and sinister Shadow that desires to control Kaili’s clan with an army of super shifters. The struggle between Kaili and Zebastian is on borrowed time as the Shadows rise up in force and threaten to put an end to any hope for the future of the Spirians.

Rowena Portch pours out every ounce of emotion in the fantasy thriller “Shifter.” By using first person and shifting from the thoughts and emotions of one character to the other, the reader is hopelessly drawn in and held tightly in the grasp of the story as its many twists and tangles unravel themselves. The deeper battles within the souls of Zebastian and Kaili as they are transformed by love displays an intriguing dichotomy in which the heat of battle both hardens and softens the two of them. The hope that they will come together is intense throughout and controls the emotions even as the action keeps you on the edge of your seat. Inspiring, profound and riveting; “Shifter” is destined to be a best seller.