Elsa Takaoka and Catherine Toennisson have combined their talents to create the delightful children’s book “Goo and Spot in the Do Not Wiggle Riddle.” Packed with fun and full of color; this rhyming riddle progresses through a series of fun activities and funny creatures that captivate the imagination. Like all riddles there is something hidden in the story that must be solved. Each clue not only stirs the imagination of the two listeners Goo and Spot, but also excites them, and whenever Goo wiggles, Spot does too. Giant bumblebees and squishy, green slugs, dancing, flamingos in shorts and three toads with big, giant warts are only a few of the colorful creatures that are featured in this riddle. Ultimately, the riddle is about the importance of sitting still and listening whenever someone is reading or telling a story, but it is done in a very subtle way.
The magical imagination of children is stirred and their laughter can almost be heard as you work through the colorful rhymes of “
Goo and Spot in the Do Not Wiggle Riddle.” Elsa Takaoka has created a riddle with a great lesson in it, but done so in a way that is certain to tickle the funny bone of every child (and even a few adults who never grew up). Catherine Toennisson has added her expertise in animation and storyboarding in a way that makes the action and color leap off of the pages. It is impossible not to wiggle when reading this book, because it simply draws it out of you. Fun, creative and colorful; “
Goo and Spot in the Do Not Wiggle Riddle” is a fantastic debut for these two extremely talented artists and ought to be the first of many award winning children’s classics to come.
thank you very much, I appreciate the time and the great detail in your review. I love how the riddle is described as "subtle" that is what I was going for, teach a lesson without lecturing! Yeay for Bookworm Reviews!