Life has a way of coming full circle. Those things which we seemed to have left behind often times come back to haunt us. Dominique Wilkins brings this fact into view in “Theresa In Wonderland.” Having dealt with the disfigurement that had been dealt out to her by a knife in the hand of Lola Rush, Theresa had found her way through life with the help of her best friend Tina. As Theresa’s life continued forward with her four beautiful children, gorgeous and successful husband and a promising career, all of the pain and heartache from the past seemed to be far behind her. The only drawback to ideal life that she had built around herself was the constant attention which she had to direct toward the on again, off again relationships that continued to plague her friend Tina. The ideal life comes to a screeching halt one day when a blowout on her Enclave sends not only the truck, but her life spinning out of control. Will Theresa be able to navigate her way through the pain once more or will it simply be too much?
Dominique Wilkins has a way of grabbing a hold of the heart and squeezing it until it hurts. “Theresa In Wonderland” is another heart-wrenching story of how quickly the secure and ideal world that we think we live in can suddenly turn into a horrible nightmare. In the quiet gentle way that Dominique has mastered, “Theresa In Wonderland” sneaks up on you and grabs you be the throat threatening to strangle the life out of you and then she quietly rides in with the brightness of hope. Excellent! Another brilliant job by Dominique Wilkins.

Friends First
Even when one begins a relationship with the best intentions, it doesn’t always end in happily ever after. Dominique Wilkins illustrates exactly how messed up things can become in “Friends First.” Having been rescued by her boyfriend Cliff from an abusive alcoholic father, Fiona believed that everything was going to be just perfect. She gave everything to her rescuer, her life, her virginity and her love. When Cliff took a new job with an armored car company it seemed that everything was coming together very well, until Cliff falls in with Joe. Joe convinces Cliff that they could embezzle a little bit of money at a time and never get caught. After the third try, however, they did get caught. Worse than that, Joe began making sexual advances on Fiona whenever Cliff wasn’t around. Fiona puts their “happily ever after” marriage to the test when she decides to tell Cliff what his friend Joe has been doing. Will Cliff listen to his wife or side with his friend?
Even when it appears that everything has worked out, there is always a surprise. Dominique Wilkins warns the reader about putting their trust in another person in “Friends First.” The scripture reference that she uses gives the reader a warning about trusting a person instead of trusting God. In this poignant narrative of misplaced confidence, the reader will certainly learn why the scriptures offer that advice. Honest, subtle and enlightening; “Friends First” is another Wilkins novella with a deep spiritual lesson.
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